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Welcome to our english page. On this site, you will find information about our fertility clinic, treatment options and prices.

Fertilitetssenteret has focus on providing couples a personal and professional evaluation and treatment. For most couples not being able to conceive can be very stressful. Our goal is therefore to offer treatments in a caring environment, where major emphasis is placed on accessibility, personal attention and emotional support. Our fertility experts will provide realistic advice and information regarding the possibilities for a successful treatment.

Approximately 10 percent of the population will experience infertility. Disturbance of ovulation, damaged fallopian tubes and impaired sperm quality are some of the causes. Our clinic has for nearly 20 years been assisting these couples.

Fertilitetssenteret has contact with several leading clinics in europe and the united states. This helps maintain a high professional standard for everyone in the team.

Treatment options

At Fertilitetssenteret we offer different treatments that can help you and your partner conceive.  The causes of infertility are divided equally between male and female factors, therefore both partners will be investigated for possible causes during the initial consultation. After diagnosing the cause of your infertility we will recommend treatment options that are optimally suited for you and that is most likely to result in a live birth.

Ovulation induction

Ovulation disorders are common causes of infertility in women in reproductive age.

Clomid (Clomiphene citrate) is a widely accepted treatment for inducing ovulation. 5 tablets are taken per cycle / ovulation is expected  5-10 days after last dose. Coitus will be planned at the expected time of ovulation.

Insemination IUI

Couples that have normal testresults and still fail to concieve naturally may  feel very frustrated. Where unexplained infertility is the case it is possible to try insemination with sperm from the partner. For success, the fallopian tubes must be open. Insemination is clearly a less invasive treatment option then IVF/ICSI, but will only result in pregnancy and birth 10-15% of each initiated treatment.

We do not recommend this treatment for women over 40 years of age.

In-vitro fertilization IVF/ICSI

The prosess of in-vitro fertilization (IVF/ICSI) starts with stimulation of the ovaries with fertility drugs. During this period we monitor your ovaries 1-3 times by ultrasound. When the eggfollicles are a certain size we will plan the egg retrievel.  The day of the egg retrieval a fresh sperm sample must be delivered to the laboratory.

The eggs will then be fertilized and transfered 2-5 days after retrieval. In some occasions there are extra embryos that are of good quality. These embryos can be frozen og stored for maximum 5 years. The frozen embryo transfer can then be planned either if there is no pregnancy after fresh transfer- or as a sibling treatment.

In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Treatment

Sperm and eggs are combined in petri dishes and placed in an incubator in the laboratory to fertilize. After 2-5 days 1 or 2 embryos are transferred to the womans uterus, where it will hopefully implant and develop as it would in a normal pregnancy.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

In some cases fertilization is not achieved through standard IVF treatment. Furthermore, in situations where the sperm quality is reduced fertilization might not occur using this method. We then inject each egg with a single sperm (ICSI).

Sperminjection (ICSI) is applicable in the following cases:

  • The sperm quality is poor and fertilization by IVF treatment is not expected
  • Fertilization has failed following your first IVF treatment, despite adequate sperm quality. We will consider microinjection on 50% of the eggs retrieved, or possibly all.


Surgical sperm Aspiration

This treatment is recommended for men with absence of sperm in the ejaculation (azoospermi). The cause of this condition can be a problem with sperm production or blockage of the tube for sperm passage (for example after sterilization or infection). The doctor will examine you and organize hormone- and chromosome analyses before the PESA/TESA procedure.

The procedure is done under local anesthesia. Mature spermcells are retrieved from the epidydemis (PESA) or from the testicles (TESA) with a fine needle. If the cause of infertility is because of azoospermi the ICSI treatment is performed if the sperm retrieval is successful.


Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have further questions about our treatment options. We are here to help you with any questions and difficult situations.

You can reach us at +47 22 99 28 99 during our opening hours 9-11 am and 1-3 pm.

Pilestredet Park 7, Inngang A, 3. etg. Inngang fra Stensberggt.

T: +47 22 99 28 99